Holographic Flow
A Path of Spiritual Awakening through Intimate Relationships
Holographic Flow
A Path of Spiritual Awakening through Intimate Relationships
Please join Luminous faculty member and Masculine-Feminine Dynamics Instructor, Ethan J. Henson, for a special virtual weekend workshop where we will explore the fascinating intersection between Relationship Dynamics and Spiritual Awakening.
This workshop will focus on how to transform intimate relationships into a powerful connection that fuels continuous spiritual awakening.
Holographic Flow: A Path of Spiritual Awakening through Intimate Relationships
April 9-11, 2021
Friday: 5-8pm PST
Saturday & Sunday: 9-5pm PST
This workshop is available for couples and singles.
During this workshop you will:
- Be guided to create a map of the personal projection dynamics that block intimacy and spiritual growth in your partnership.
- Learn how relationship projections create disconnection, drain energy, destabilize awakening experiences, and affect the physical health and well-being of you and your partner.
- Learn how to navigate out of “defensive - parts-based relating” and “triggers” and shift into awakened conscious energy relating.
- Learn to relate beyond ordinary levels mind into Soul to Soul connection.
- Learn about you and your partner’s personal energy system and the unique ways to connect to each other.
- Learn how to create deep intimacy that fuels powerful spiritual awakening.
- Explore through hologram work how relationship dynamics show up in all other dimensions of life.
For singles:
- Learn how to bring in an awakened partnership.
- Explore the dynamics that arose in past relationships so that you do not make the same mistakes going forward.
We will provide assistants for dyad exercises for singles.
The workshop will be conducted via Zoom with interactive exercises and practices. Recordings will be available to participants following the workshop for review or if you missed any portion. All important details for the weekend (including Zoom access) will be sent by email a week before the workshop.
NOTE: If you don't receive our confirmation email within 30 minutes, please check your spam folder or Promotions tab in Gmail. Please add coordinator@luminousawareness.com to your address book or contacts. You can also contact us at this address for support!
Please Join Us!
Holographic Flow:
A Path of Spiritual Awakening through Intimate Relationships
$495 couples
$315 singles
(We will provide assistants for dyad exercises for singles.)

"When the Atomic Light of Union is revealed, we birth a life of Holographic Flow" - Ethan J. Henson
"When the Atomic Light of Union is revealed, we birth a life of Holographic Flow" - Ethan J. Henson

Masculine/Feminine Relationship Dynamics Instructor,
Luminous Adjunct Faculty
At the early age of 20, Ethan J. Henson had a near death experience that shifted
his consciousness and began a spiritual awakening. Along with new levels of
awareness, the near death experience opened his ability to see the Human
Energy Field. This capacity to both see and work with the Human Energy Field
grew through intensive training and private mentorship with Reverend Lemuria
Torling (a 3rd Generation Psychic Healer) for over 15 years.
For the past 18 years, Ethan has taught Advanced Psychic Development,
Spiritual Healing, and the Infinite Way, a non-dual meditative and healing
practice originally transmitted by Joel S. Goldsmith. Along with a 20 year
meditation practice and many hours of observing the Human Energy Field
between couples in Relationship, Ethan also trained in Advanced Taoist Sexual
Nei Gong and Kundalini Yoga. The integration of all these approaches inspired
the foundation of his work which brings the Masculine and Feminine into
relational harmony. He teaches that Relationship is a path of Spiritual Awakening.
Join Holographic Flow: A Path of Spiritual Awakening through Intimate Relationships
Live Online Workshop taught by Ethan J. Henson