Luminous Awareness Institute

LAI4 RET 2 Annual Financial Agreements and Terms & Program Overview

Dear Luminous Being,

We are excited to have you join us as a returning student in the LAI 2-Year program (2022-2023) whether you will be attending in-person modules in Colorado and California, or joining us virtually through our online program!

We, with Luminous Awareness Institute LLC (“Luminous” or “LAI”), are asking you to read over and sign the following agreements that set the container for the relationships between you and Luminous, between all of us as members of an intentional evolutionary learning community, and between you and your own integrity, intention, and alignment to serving Awakening. While we realize this is a lot to read, your careful consideration of and consent to these agreements enables Luminous to create and maintain itself as a teaching lineage of high integrity, heart-centered offering, and impeccable quality. It facilitates a community in which the greatest trust, healing, and awakening can occur. 

These are the categories we ask you to consider and agree to:

  1. Program Overview (see below)
  2. Financial Agreements & Terms (see below)
  3. Use of Luminous Teachings, Materials, and Transmissions (separate document)
  4. LAI 2-Year Liability Waiver and Release (separate document)

Questions? Please feel free to contact:

Luminous Coordinating Team, at 

Jen Medrick, Program Director, at


2-Year Program Overview

Luminous is dedicated to generating a loving, harmonious, awake world and to creating happiness and well being for all sentient beings. This is a lineage path that trains people to awaken to their deepest nature as well as provides tools of liberation and healing that enable us to clean up and purify all the parts of self until we are the living embodiment of that realization. The healing that arises and the skills and techniques taught within a committed community of co-explorers, with expert guidance from teachers who strive to walk the path themselves, are meant to become ongoing practices that ripple through all areas of our lives.

Students in the advanced program get the opportunity to go through all the evolving material of the Luminous lineage again, deepening your skill, spiritual awakening, and personal growth.

As a returning student, you are in the unique role of being familiar with the Luminous teachings and methodologies, of having done a fair amount of your own personal healing and starting the development of your bender gifts and skills. We hope that you come to continue your own development on your path and also come in service to those beginning their path with Luminous. We ask that you be an example of vulnerability and responsiveness, that you support other students in feeling safe, welcome and mentored whenever appropriate. Many students entering this next program have years of other practices under their belt so it may be best to not assume that you know more, however as materials may be more familiar, see what it’s like to align yourself to being in service to the whole and see how that alignment directs you moment by moment and in relationship.


Prerequisite Course: Walking the Path of Awakening Awareness 

  • NOT required for LAI3 students!
  • A condensed version of Walking the Path is available to upcoming 2-Year students who have not previously taken it. Join here!
  • There are six 3-hour classes in Walking the Path. Recordings are available if joining late. All condensed version classes are on Saturdays from 12-3pm Pacific time (US) on the following dates:
    • Lesson 1: Dec 4, 2021
    • Lesson 2: Dec 11, 2021
    • Lesson 3: Dec 18, 2021
    • Lesson 4: Jan 8, 2022
    • Lesson 5: Jan 15, 2022
    • Lesson 6: Jan 22, 2022

Three Zoom Intro Classes

  • These required 3-hour classes, included with the program, are offered prior to our first module and will be held on Saturdays from 12-3pm Pacific, on the following dates:
    • February 5, 2022
    • February 12, 2022
    • February 19, 2022

Seven 4-day modules (Thursday through Sunday)

  • Module Times:
    • Modules begin with arrival and check in around 12:30pm on Thursday, with class starting at 2:00pm.
    • Modules complete on Sunday by roughly 6:00pm
  • Module Dates: (please add to your calendar)
    • Module 1: March 10-13, 2022 - CA
    • Module 2: June 2-5, 2022 - CO
    • Module 3: September 8-11, 2022 - CO
    • Module 4: December 1-4, 2022 - CA
    • Module 5: February 23-26, 2023 - CA
    • Module 6: May 25-28, 2023 - CO
    • Module 7: August 10-13, 2023 - CA
  • Immersive, residential setting for in-person participants
    • California: Expanding Light Retreat Center near Nevada City, CA
    • Colorado: Sunrise Ranch near Loveland, CO
    • Food and lodging are arranged at a separate expense from program tuition
  • Inclusive Zoom streaming for virtual participants
    • Online participants are included in all formal aspects of the program from the comfort of their own homes.

Additional Offerings via Zoom for all participants

  • Seven Hologram classes – online via Zoom
    • Fridays, from 5-8pm Pacific
      • Air: April 8, 2022
      • Water: July 15, 2022
      • Tree: October 7, 2022
      • Fire: January 6, 2023
      • Earth: March 24, 2023
      • Realm: June 16, 2023
      • Crystal: September 8, 2023

  • Seven Meditation Path classes (Zoom calls, 1.5 hours each)
    • From 5-6:30pm Pacific
      • Air: Monday, April 11, 2022
      • Water: Tuesday, July 5, 2022
      • Tree: Monday, October 10, 2022
      • Fire: Tuesday, January 3, 2023
      • Earth: Monday, March 27, 2023
      • Realm: Tuesday, June 27, 2023
      • Crystal: Monday, September 11, 2023
  • Fourteen home groups meetings – online via Zoom
    • Arranged with facilitator & participants
  • Luminous Facilitated Labs – online via Zoom
    • Saturdays, from 12-3pm Pacific
      • Air: April 2, 2022
      • Water: July 23, 2022
      • Tree: November 5, 2022
      • Fire: January 28, 2023
      • Earth: April 1, 2023
      • Realm: July 1, 2023
      • Crystal: September 2, 2023

Accelerate Details and Optional Add-Ons (additional cost applies):

  • Pods - dates sent to participants after sign up (12 included with Accelerate), online via Zoom
  • Meditation Weekend with John Churchill (included with Accelerate), online via Zoom
    • April 29 - May 2, 2022
    • Friday evening from 5-8pm Pacific and 9am-4pm Pacific on Saturday and Sunday.
  • 5th Day Hands-On Healing Classes - in-person at modules, limited online option,
    • Held the Monday following each module, limited spots.
  • Sessions with Luminous Practitioners
    • Arranged with individual practitioners

Review the full program description on our 2-Year Program page, including the dates for each module. These details will also be added to the student course portal.

All modules in this program are built on preceding modules, creating an increasingly rich and deep collective group field in which to grow, heal, and build skills, both individually and collectively. This student body has been carefully chosen to build a diverse and potent community that is most likely to support development of awake awareness with healing. Each person matters and helps set the tone to create the context for our journey together. Your active engagement with the material and with the community is essential. We invite you to hold both yourself and others with this in mind.

Additionally, as a returning student, you are invited to put into practice the skills you have been developing through your original 2-year program and integrate your healing ever more fully into the way you show up in the world. Whether you are returning primarily as a participant or stepping into training as a practitioner and/or future Luminous healing team member, going through the material a second time is a profound experience that encourages you to continue to grow. 

Specific information about each module and the material covered will be presented through our online course portal throughout the program.

Advanced Awakening Course (additional cost applies): 

This online 8-month course is for those who have stable access to Simultaneous Awareness and want to deepen their meditation practice explicitly. If you have been accepted for the Advanced Awakening course as well, here are some important details:

  • 5-Day Initial Retreat
    • February 23-27, 2022
    • Wednesday - Sunday, 9am-3pm P
  • Seven 1-day Online Retreats on Sundays, 9am-2pm PT
    • March 20, 2022
    • April 10, 2022
    • May 15, 2022
    • June 12, 2022
    • July 10, 2022
    • August 14, 2022
    • September 18, 2022

Luminous Awareness Institute reserves the right to make necessary adjustments to the curriculum, course offerings, class hours, scheduled dates (with at least 60 days notice), format (including shifting to online if circumstances require), equipment and organization as it deems necessary to deliver the program content.  

Personal Responsibility

Luminous Awareness Institute is an educational program and lineage transmission for those who are actively engaged with and committed to their own awakening, personal growth and development and who seek to bring their skills and gifts in service to their larger communities. You may be attending for your own personal transformation or you may have an interest in becoming a practitioner or weaving Luminous capacities into current practice modalities. As you move through the program, you may find you want to bring both your awake awareness and increasingly whole presence into areas from business to teaching to activism to art…or simply into your community and family.

Regardless of how your experience with Luminous ripples out into the world, you are ultimately responsible for your own path. Luminous provides tools and points out instructions for finding your way into new and profound states of being and seeks to support your integration of these shifts in lasting, sustainable ways beyond the program and the cushion. And, this is an active path that requires your direct involvement and commitment. As with any practice that leads to real transformation and manifestation in the world, you get out what you put in. The commitment you make to engaging with the teachings, exercises, practices and community throughout your time in the program will determine the growth, healing and lasting consciousness shifts that you experience. We invite you to step up, step in and see what emerges from your active engagement with and ownership of your own unfolding!

I have read and understand the Luminous Awareness Institute Program Overview (including dates and offerings), will join or review the prerequisite Walking the Path course if needed, and acknowledge personal responsibility for active engagement with the program.

Financial and Terms Agreement

We recognize that enrollment in our program is an investment on many fronts – financially and time-wise as well as with respect to your engagement with personal healing and growth. We seek to be as clear as possible about what you can expect from us and what we expect from you. You agree to let us know in advance of any changes to your address or other circumstances that may impact your payments and to respond promptly to requests around any payment issues that may arise.

Please review the following information and reach out with any questions before signing this contract.

Tuition Costs & Payment Plans

The initial costs for the entire two-year LAI4 (2022-2023) Program, before any discounts, are:

  • Basic Package: $12,835
  • Accelerate Package: $14,634

After paying your application deposit of $850, the remaining tuition is:

  • Basic Package: $11,985
  • Accelerate Package: $13,784
  • See the payment options below.

Add-Ons & Discounts

  • Add-Ons can be rolled into your tuition payment, added to your financed loan amount (must be added at loan set up), or added once the program is under way. These add-ons will increase your overall costs.
  • Meditation Weekend - $399 (Included in Accelerate Package)
  • 5th Day Hands-On Healing classes - $3150 for all 7 ($499 each if paid one at a time)
    • Limited spots available.
  • Discounts reduce the overall cost.
    • Early Bird: $1000 (if you paid your deposit by November 24, 2021)
    • Decisive Discount: $500 (if you paid your deposit within 48 hours of attending a Luminous event)
    • Returning Student: $500
  • Advanced Awakening Course: If you are also accepted to the Advanced Awakening course, the add-on cost is reduced by 50% and $2250 will be added to your overall tuition costs.

Payment Options

You have chosen the following payment plan.

  • Two annual payments, exact amount based on the package you choose, any add-ons, and your discounts.
    • Payment is due by February 20, 2022.
    • A 6% financing fee applies to this arrangement.
    • Two annual payments are a custom arrangement only available this program and not going forward.

Please login to set up your first annual payment on the LAI4 Tuition Custom page. 

If you elect to enroll, you will be responsible for the entire tuition cost (including finance fees, if applicable), subject to the Cancellation & Withdrawal provisions below.

2 Annual Payments: I am choosing to  finance my tuition in the form of 2 Annual payments (my $850 deposit has already been subtracted from my total). I understand that 6% financing fees apply and that the actual amount will be adjusted by any applicable discounts or add-ons. I understand I will be charged one payment now and the rest a year from now and agree to pay both payments in full. 

Food & Lodging Costs for In-Person Participants

  • Food and Lodging generally run between $375 - $700 per module depending on lodging chosen (this includes Thurs / Friday / Saturday night and 9 meals from Thurs dinner to Sunday lunch)
    • Food and Lodging is not included in your tuition. It is a separate payment. You will be asked to pay for lodging prior to each module.
    • At Expanding Light in California, lodging is spread across two large areas - the main Expanding Light campus and the nearby Meditation Center campus (15 minutes from the main meeting and dining spaces). Driving is necessary at Expanding Light to get between locations in a timely fashion on the 700+ acre property. Carpooling is easy and encouraged. Some off-site lodging is available at nearby AirBnbs.
      • Rooms range from rustic cabins and bungalows (with heat and electricity; bathrooms in a separate heated bathhouse) to comfortable shared rooms in a common building to more deluxe cabins with small kitchenettes and en suite bathrooms. There are also several cabins at Expanding Light that have three beds.
      • Tent/RV options are the least expensive lodging choice for the module. Please consider your comfort level camping as there will not be places to sleep inside if it is cold or the weather is bad.
      • Lodging is booked through Luminous. All details will be provided.
    • At Sunrise Ranch in Colorado, lodging is in a mix of shared and private rooms or apartments, some with small living rooms or kitchenettes. Some tent sites are available. All lodging is across the street from the main meeting spaces. 
      • Lodging is booked directly with Sunrise Ranch. All details will be provided.
    • Extra nights at either venue are available at an additional cost and will be in the same room already chosen.
    • Meals from Thursday dinner through Sunday lunch are included in your lodging price. Extra meals can be added a la carte.
    • Some people commute. A daily commuter fee for venue access and for meals will apply.
  • Food and Lodging sign up is opened apx 45 days before each module. Payments are required 30 days prior to the module date.
    • A late fee of $50 will be applied to the charge if your payment is not completed within 25 days of the module date.
    • If you do not pay for the costs of your lodging by the deadline, you likely will not be able to attend the module in-person. You will still be responsible for your tuition payments.

  • Lodging options are on a first-come, first-serve basis.
    • Costs vary depending on choice of lodging. 
    • You can request a specific roommate and we will do our best to accommodate your request. Please make sure the person you request is also interested in rooming with you.
    • At Expanding Light, we suggest choosing your lodging promptly, particularly if you have specific desires such as a less expensive option or one of the few rooms with a kitchenette. 

  • If for some reason you are unable to attend a module, you may cancel your Food & Lodging reservation on the condition that you provide 30 days’ written notice to the LAI Coordinator.
    • If you do not provide 30 days notice or more, you will be responsible for your Food and Lodging costs regardless of attendance.


At both Expanding Light and Sunrise Ranch, Food and Lodging are a combined cost based on a per-module stay and cannot be separated. Neither retreat center allows our students to bring and prepare their own meals, although you can bring small supplementary food items. Thus, Food & Lodging costs still apply for those who have dietary restrictions that prohibit eating at the retreat center or who choose to skip certain meals. Opting out of certain meals does not reduce your total Food & Lodging costs. Additionally, meat is not allowed in the Expanding Light lodging, meeting, or dining spaces. If meat is a dietary requirement, you can store jerky or something similar in a closed container in your vehicle.

Cancellation & Withdrawal

The student body in your class is a very carefully held gathering of people who will journey together for close to two years. Once you choose to commit to this program, you become an integral participant in the program. Other applicants are turned away based on your enrollment. While new students can be admitted from the waitlist before the second module, once the second module is underway, new admissions are closed for the duration of the program. Please keep this in mind as you read our cancellation and withdrawal policies.


  • Your $850 deposit ($250 of which is non-refundable) is applied to the total cost of tuition. The deposit has already been subtracted from the remaining total tuition fee when you sign up for a payment plan. 
    • If you decline or withdraw prior to February 1, 2022, all but a $250 processing charge is refunded.
    • If you decline or withdraw prior to February 20, 2022, all but $600 of any payments made will be refunded.
    • If you decline or withdraw after February 20, 2022, your $850 application deposit will NOT be refunded, but any down payment or tuition paid will be refunded if you withdraw before the program start date of March 10, 2022.
    • If you are also signing up for Advanced Awakening, the drop deadlines to receive your deposit back for that course apply, followed by the 2-Year program deadlines.

Withdrawal Period:

  • Although you already have a good sense of what Luminous entails as a returning student, you may attend the first module to directly experience whether this program is a fit for both you and Luminous Awareness Institute.
  • The Withdrawal Period ends Monday, March 21, 2022. 
  • If you withdraw from the program during the Withdrawal Period and have attended the first module, you acknowledge and agree that you are responsible for one module’s worth of your tuition (1/7 of total payment owed) plus any Food and Lodging costs for the first module.
    • Your deposit, down payment (if financing your tuition), and any tuition already paid will be applied as credit towards your outstanding tuition cost.
    • If anything is owed, we will let you know the amount and how to pay.
    • A refund will be issued by check if you have paid more than one module’s cost towards tuition, plus Food and Lodging for the first module, at the time of your withdrawal from the program. 
  • If for some reason a student must discontinue the program after March 21, 2022, there will be no refunds and the student is committed to pay the tuition in full (including those on financed payment plans) for the duration of the 2 year program, but not required to pay Food and Lodging costs for any modules not attended.
    • Unfortunately, given the design of the program we are only able to make exceptions to this policy in the case of a true emergency. We will consider any extenuating circumstances on a case-by-case basis.  

Again, you must inform the Luminous Coordinator of your decision to withdraw from the program no later than 11:59pm on March 21, 2022.  If you do not contact us by March 21, 2022, you are committed to the entirety of your tuition costs for the complete two-year program.

I understand the drop deadline and withdrawal policies and take full responsibility for withdrawing by the drop deadline or committing to pay my tuition in full.

Luminous Awareness Institute at all times reserves the right to terminate any student for failure to meet its policies and guidelines.  

COVID-19 Protocol 

The safety and well-being of our students, staff, families, and communities is something we hold with intention and care. We recognize that we are living in unusual times and that extra awareness is necessary to support all of us and the shared work we are doing together.

Our capacity to deliver our entire curriculum online allows us to be adaptable and responsive, even if federal, state or county mandates shift and change. In the event of a period of lockdown, we will shift entirely to online.

As circumstances evolve, it is possible that federal, state, local or venue requirements may require in-person participants to be vaccinated in order to attend in-person. Please consider this when you apply. Unvaccinated participants will NOT be able to attend in-person in this situation but will be warmly welcomed through our online format.

Part of enrollment includes understanding that you are joining a program that is a fully immersive delivery of the Luminous curriculum, regardless of whether we gather in-person or virtually. A shift to online, either individually or collectively, does not change your responsibility and agreement to pay your tuition in full (whether financed or paid up front).

For those coming in person, we request a negative PCR test within 72 hours of arrival at our modules (regardless of vaccination status). If you are ill, we ask that you NOT attend in-person, and instead participate virtually. 

We will also have hand sanitizer, face masks, and other preventative measures. We strongly support each person in making the choices that best support your comfort.

Additionally, we will continue to follow best practices as they are presented to ensure everyone's safety and recognize the evolving nature of current circumstances, in line with local, state and federal regulations, laws, and expectations, in order to offer in-person aspects of the Program and allow the greatest number of Participants to attend safely.  Exact requirements and protocols will be shared prior to each module.

Please note: you will be asked to sign a liability waiver specifically related to Covid prior to each module in order to attend in person, recognizing that you are solely responsible for all risks incurred through gathering in person.

I understand that I may be unable to attend in-person if federal, state, local, or venue mandates require me to be vaccinated to gather in groups and I am unvaccinated. 

I understand and agree that the entire Luminous 2-Year program curriculum, including the experiential aspects, can and will be delivered virtually, both for people who sign up to attend online and if in-person participants need to shift to online, individually or collectively (as a cohort).

I acknowledge that I am fully responsible for paying my entire tuition, in full or with a financed loan, whether attending online or in-person according to the deadlines and details outlined in this agreement.


This Financial and Terms agreement (“FT Agreement”), together with the Use of Luminous Teachings, Materials and Transmissions agreement and Liability Waiver and Release constitute the whole agreement.  The terms of this FT Agreement are incorporated herein by reference into the provisions of the Use of Luminous Teachings, Materials and Transmissions agreement and Liability Waiver and Release to constitute one, whole agreement.

I have read and agree to the Luminous Awareness Institute Financial Agreements and Terms & Program Overview and agree to pay my tuition in full after the drop date as well as any Food and Lodging costs I may have accrued. 

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Document name: LAI4 RET 2 Annual Financial Agreements and Terms & Program Overview
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February 10, 2022 6:19 pm PSTLAI4 RET 2 Annual Financial Agreements and Terms & Program Overview Uploaded by Jen Medrick - IP