Welcome to The Conscious Dating Experience.
Prepare to experience The Atomic Level of Connection!

This experience will be taught by Ethan J. Henson and Anna Lisa Aldeberg. And hosted by Devani Freeman.


Sunday, May 30, 2021
Time: 10am-5pm PT / 1pm-8pm ET


Zoom meeting - link is coming in hot to your email. If you did not receive the link please email support@devanifreeman.com

What To Expect:

This LIVE workshop will be conducted via Zoom with interactive exercises and practices. We will provide assistance for dyads and group interactions.

Recordings will be available to participants following the workshop for review or if you missed any portion.

What You’ll Experience:

A safe space with highly attuned facilitators to explore deep connection.

Opportunities to meet potential matches through group and dyad interactions in an expanded awareness field.

4th Dimensional Relationship tools to fuel greater levels of bliss, joy, and liberation.

What consciousness is trying to do through relationships to set you up for long-lasting partnership.

Next step: Request to join the Facebook group